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Better Webinars: Small Tools That Make a Big Impact

I would like to invite you to join Shawn Shadfar, CEO of omNovia Technologies, for Better Webinars: Small Tools That Make a Big Impact on Wednesday, March 6, 12p.m. CST. In this webinar we will demonstrate how to better utilize tools that are less obvious in order to effectively plan, create and execute high [...]

Webinar Expert Series – Dan Yaman

Today was the start of our first ever “Webinar Expert Series,” where we invited Dan Yaman, CEO of Live Spark Inc, to discuss how to create more engaging webinars focusing on the brain. Our free of charge webinar, which is open to anyone, lasted about one hour today. For those unfamiliar, our “Webinar Expert Series” invites [...]

Swine Flu and Web Conferencing

This is not another scary blog entry on how bad Swine Flu could turn out. While the debates on whether it would turn out to be a catastrophic outbreak can be seen on every national t.v network every night, one thing we know for sure is its terrible impact on local economies, especially in Mexico [...]