All posts by omnoviaadmin

Presentation Manager Updates

The Presentation Manager is a fantastic tool that has been available for a couple years now. It enables moderators to create a script or workflow of their webinars and launch actions with a mouse click. This can significantly simplify the workflow of webinars. There have been some bug fixes and improvements now available.


Integration with Eloqua, Marketo,, HubSpot…

Through omNovia’s versatile set of APIs integration with marketing automation tools such as Eloqua, Marketo, or HubSpot is a breeze. Last month omNovia engineers implemented an integration with Eloqua for LogiXML. Integration with marketing automation software would allow you to gather real-time information about your webinar attendees from omNovia and take actions such as…


omNovia Selected by LogiXML as Their Interactive Webinar Platform

The San Francisco Chronicle:  omNovia Technologies, a leading global provider of interactive online meetings, high quality webinars and live event webcasting solutions, announced today that LogiXML, the pioneer of web-based business intelligence (BI) software, has selected omNovia as their marketing and training webinar platform.


Interactive Corporate Event Webcasting

This white paper intends to shed light on requirements for an effective and well structured corporate event webcasting and present, in detail, current technical solutions as well as best practices with a focus on increasing ROE (Return On Events). The purpose of this paper is to help executives and managers design and implement a new…


PDF Invoices now emailed to you

Since November 1, 2012, billing email notifications about new invoices include a direct link to the detailed PDF invoice. Your users marked as “Billing Contact” (in Manage Users) can now click the link to download the PDF without logging into the Admin Page.


Support for Microsoft Windows 8

We have updated the omNovia Projector for dektop sharing to work seamlessly on the new Microsoft Windows 8 operating system. Your presenters and attendees can now use the desktop version of Windows 8 for your webinar sessions.


eCurtain and Presenter role

Please note only moderators can now set and remove the eCurtain in the room. Users set as “Presenter” may not do so any longer. This is in response to some problems caused by guest presenters who did not know how to operate the eCurtain.


Automatic Video Bit-rate Adjustment

StageToWeb (live event webcasting) rooms have enabled two-stream video encoding for a while now. This allowed viewers with lower bandwidth to select the SD (Standard Definition) quality video instead of HD (High Definition). We have now added automatic video bit-rate adjustment, which selects the right stream for each viewer based on available bandwidth.


omNovia Technologies Releases White Paper on Interactive Corporate Event Webcasting

Beaumont Enterprise: omNovia Technologies, a leading global provider of interactive online meetings, high quality webinars and live event webcasting solutions, today released a white paper titled “Interactive Corporate Event Webcasting”, which is now available for download at its website. This white paper, written by Shawn Shadfar, omNovia’s founder and CEO, educates corporate marketing and training executives…

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